Generational Comparison: The Influence of Eco-centric Retail Business Practices on Generation Y And Generation Z’s Purchase Intention in The Philippines
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The Philippines has been struggling with waste management. Many companies are looking after the birth of eco-conscious brands to make retailing sustainable by creating ways to reduce waste in packaging and product offerings. The study used an explanatory mixed-method wherein the researchers identified the eco-centric practices of retail businesses from its thematic analysis and deployed an online survey. The respondents for this study are composed of 136 Generation Y and Generation Z that have a significant role in decision making in buying products from retail stores. The primary purpose of this study is to conduct a generational comparison between Generation Y and Z’s purchase intention in retail stores that have eco-centric business practices and to analyze if there is a significant difference. The results revealed insufficient evidence to support the claim that there is a substantial difference between the two generations in their perception. There are five main areas in eco-friendly products over its alternatives, attraction, appreciation, price perception, and general observation of retail businesses. This research shall validate the need for retail businesses in the Philippines to adopt an eco-centric business practice and be used for future business growth and improvement by targeting the generation involved in this research.